Monday, February 22, 2010



I was given a drafting table from a friend's parents yesterday. Right now there's a few pictures from an antique book I bought "Nations at War", on the table ready to get my full attention.

 (picture not taken from the book, but has the same feeling)

The book explains, from all viewpoints, World War I, and other military related events from that era. I'm sure it's biased, but I picked it up to gather visual ideas. I'm planning on doing a couple pencil sketches of certain pictures, combining it with other pictures. Less of a collage, more of a single picture made up of two events.

I think it's pretty interesting to try and take an extreme event that changed the world to call your own. And suddenly history has been shifted a bit in your brain because now, what was stored thought, is physical. I could sell it and make profit from an idea I have about World War I.

Maybe I'll be posting some of the sketches. Maybe I'll write some music to it. Whatever it is, I'll release it all for free, of course.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Current/Future Projects and Contributers/Collaborators


The Quiet City - Album

Winter Weight - Album

Ash - Film

Untitled Piano - Album

Chicago Lyrics Installation - Art project


We The Living - Band

Mitch Buss - Filmmaker

Danielle Freeman - Photographer

Justin Nijm - Filmmaker

Andrew Milam - Poet

Nick Morawiecki - Musician/Artist

Alec Lacasse - Musician

Amanda Kruse - Producer

Brian Henderson - Filmmaker

Claire Smalley - Producer

-If you would like to collaborate with or contribute to Flights AV, email us at or

we're just getting started.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010



There's clarity in organization. Setting goals and benchmarks to attain are nothing more than extending your thoughts to something tangible. For me, something seems just a little closer once I get it down on paper. The subtle cue to my brain, "this is something that has to get done", from my fingers moving the pen. It is focused intention.

My days seem to double in time when I manage my fingers to make these simple movements. It's not the solution, but one of them. Technology is a great tool, but ink and paper is an immeasurably greater tool.

Flights AV is continually finding its fingers.

Monday, February 1, 2010



As I watch the travel channel I am always inspired to seek out and explore those places on this earth that I have yet to see, that I have yet to feel. While on a trip to Mexico with my family I had a lot of time to think. There's always something about being in a foreign place that allows to see more clearly the life that you are all too familiar with. The realization that I arrived upon was this: My life is not just a series of goals to be met. This may seem like common sense to most but to me goals are what have driven my entire life up to this point. The goal to go to Berklee, graduate, marry the girl of my dreams, become a professional music etc...and while these goals are certainly very good and I will never live my life with nothing ahead on the horizon I've realized that, while I'm continually looking ahead to these goals and landmarks in my life, life is happening. So, now, as I live each day I am continually trying to remain present. Remain in the here and now. Making sure that I don't let it pass me by. Because the journey is so much longer, than the destination.